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Could you beat that?))))

!?!? lol how the…


clueless 😎

Wow, thats a really great time! It took me a good bit of practice before I could start consistently getting my time that low.

What's your fastest run?

There are a few time skip spots that I’ve found that enable you to shave even more time off from doing it the correct way.

I think the fastest I was able to do it “the correct” way was around 4:30. But with some of the shortcuts, I am down to 2:19 for my fastest. I think I might be able to get down to ~2:10, but I’d really need a perfect run.

??????? insane

Just recorded a video of my new record, 2:14. I got super lucky throughout this run.


Fun that its multiplayer! Kept us all going :P

Jamlytics gang unite!


I hate myself

Haha, great job! You did it faster than a lot of people actually.